1539 poze   34512 vizite
a - Annyeong _ Codruta is here - ka - Another - Lee Yo Won style -- ka - Ask _ me anything you want - ka - Bygone times - - in my heart - ka - Choi Jung Won-special lady - ka - Concubine _ young Dong Yi -- ka - Do not give _ but i am sorry -- ka - Eternally series of Kim Suro - ka - Furtuna la palat - in my mind - ka - Ha Ji Won - _ - Lady in Italy --- ka - Ha Ji Won -_- Happy B-Day --- ka - Han Hye Jin -_ - angelic face - ka - Happy B-Day cuttie- Hye Jin -- ka - Happy B-day _ - Lee Yo-Won - ka - HyoMin from Kgroup -- T-ara - ka - I have memories from DongYi-ka - I love this amazing Korea --_-- ka - International girl Lee Yo-Won- ka - Is my oQueenDeokman B-day-ka - Jung Il Woo -is the best actor-ka - Kim Kyu Ri - protector angel -- ka - Lady Mi-Shil -_- masquerade - ka - Lee Yo-Won - with telephone - ka - Moon Chae Won - honey lips - ka - Moon Geum Young -_ infinite - ka - My especially Yo-Won Lee -_- ka - My favourite photos -_ enjoy - ka - My ideal voice Sandara Park -- ka - My pure love for this Iljimae -- ka - My T-ara Group Korean band -ka - My talent painter - Song Yeon-ka - My unique -- Great SeonDeok -ka - my unique mother -_- Yu-Hwa-ka - New life in -_-heaven for her --ka - oQueenDeokMan - Birthdaya - Own for everyone - details -- ka - Photos Specials for Codruta --ka - Princess Ja Myung faboulous-ka - Queen Inhyeon-Joseon queen-ka - secrets of the palace-my soul-ka - Shin Se Kyung -smiley young - ka - SNSD -- All my love is for you - ka - Soyi unknown intelligent girl -- ka - Special for my -- sis Roxette -- ka - Special SeonDeok -- DeokMan-ka - Superbly_actress Lee Yo-Won-ka - Talent Of -- Wonniee Forever - ka - The Duo -impresionant for me- ka - The nurse --_-- Lee Yo-Won --- ka - This is my Royal Family on site - ka - This is _ Yo Woon -- Parfume - ka - This Lady was - Jang HeeBin -- ka - Wonnie _ my cute donsaeng --- ka - Yo Won in Jardin de Chouette - ka -Friendship sense of sunphoto -ka -Happy B-day younger maknae-ka -My dedicated princess Ah Hyo-ka -My new Lady _- Jang Ryu Won-ka -My only Bodyguard Cho-Young-ka -Oh Yeon Soo - special actress-ka -SNSD young Maknae-SeoHyun-ka -True soul of a mother-true love-ka-My girl was Fashions Night Out-ka-Special_for my unicate Daniella-kb - Cronicile frumoasei luptatoare-kb - Different Characters - here -x - kb - Different Characters O2-here - kb - Different Characters O3-here - kb - Eternally Grateful for me - tks - kb - exposing of actors - click heree-kb - exposing of actors-click here2 - kb - From You _ For Me - komao--- - kb - Gift from my oKoreanPrincess - kb - Jewel in the palace - series 02 - kb - Similarity - but two characters - kb-Click here for more information - kk - Special - photos with Il Woo -_- kx - Gift for hanhyosang --------------- kx - Gift for Ely93 ------------------------- kx - Gift for hanhyosang --------------- kx - Gift for HuiBin ----------------------- kx - Gift for oKoreanPrincess ------- kx - Gift for QueenSeondeok --------- kx - Gift for SoseonoIsabella --------- k

membru din 16 April 2012

b - Different Characters O3-here - k

★...Yu-Hwa si Geum-Young au caractere diferite,dar sunt jucate de aceeasi actrita!
★...Care v-a placut mai mult?:X.De ce?:X
★...Pe mine m-au impresionat amandoua,insa Yu-Hwa a fost ceva mai deosebita`!:X
★...Parerea mea..:X

Comentarii album • 34
anamariasuk 13 October 2014  
#Yu-hwa <3 O mama de nota 10 si o draguta<3
oQueenDeokMan 18 October 2014  
..'♥'.. Este adevarat ! <33
Korrea 8 April 2014  
oQueenDeokMan 8 April 2014  
. :*:*
AhHyo 18 June 2012  
taek-bi,clar,imi cam plac pers negative
oQueenDeokMan 11 July 2012  
►...● E bine si asa ! inveti cate ceva de la ele ! ;x
QueenSeondeok 27 April 2012  
Yu-Hwa ! <3.
oQueenDeokMan 27 April 2012  
★...Cea mai bunnaaa<3
SoseonoIsabella 19 April 2012  
`le admir pe amandoua,dar pelocul 1 este Youhwa ,dar si Sa Taek Bi:X`
oQueenDeokMan 19 April 2012  
Evelyna 18 April 2012  
Sa Taek Bi forever:X.....
oQueenDeokMan 19 April 2012  
KoreaJapan 18 April 2012  
eu admir foarte mult aceasta actrita pt k poate juca roluri complet diferite una de cealalta. tu tocmai ai dat un exemplu. nu este ca alti actori,spre exemplu kim nam gil(desi il admir si pe el fff mult) ce cauta mereu sa joace roluri ce seamana intre ele. Aceasta actrita reuseste sa le joace pe ambele personaje. pe cine prefer mai mult ? lol k pe yu hwa.
oQueenDeokMan 19 April 2012  
★...Ma bucur ca faci aceasta alegere`!:X
anamariasuk 17 April 2012  
korean 17 April 2012  
oQueenDeokMan 17 April 2012  
soseono03 17 April 2012  
oQueenDeokMan 17 April 2012  
★...Si mie`:X
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