1539 poze   34513 vizite
a - Annyeong _ Codruta is here - ka - Another - Lee Yo Won style -- ka - Ask _ me anything you want - ka - Bygone times - - in my heart - ka - Choi Jung Won-special lady - ka - Concubine _ young Dong Yi -- ka - Do not give _ but i am sorry -- ka - Eternally series of Kim Suro - ka - Furtuna la palat - in my mind - ka - Ha Ji Won - _ - Lady in Italy --- ka - Ha Ji Won -_- Happy B-Day --- ka - Han Hye Jin -_ - angelic face - ka - Happy B-Day cuttie- Hye Jin -- ka - Happy B-day _ - Lee Yo-Won - ka - HyoMin from Kgroup -- T-ara - ka - I have memories from DongYi-ka - I love this amazing Korea --_-- ka - International girl Lee Yo-Won- ka - Is my oQueenDeokman B-day-ka - Jung Il Woo -is the best actor-ka - Kim Kyu Ri - protector angel -- ka - Lady Mi-Shil -_- masquerade - ka - Lee Yo-Won - with telephone - ka - Moon Chae Won - honey lips - ka - Moon Geum Young -_ infinite - ka - My especially Yo-Won Lee -_- ka - My favourite photos -_ enjoy - ka - My ideal voice Sandara Park -- ka - My pure love for this Iljimae -- ka - My T-ara Group Korean band -ka - My talent painter - Song Yeon-ka - My unique -- Great SeonDeok -ka - my unique mother -_- Yu-Hwa-ka - New life in -_-heaven for her --ka - oQueenDeokMan - Birthdaya - Own for everyone - details -- ka - Photos Specials for Codruta --ka - Princess Ja Myung faboulous-ka - Queen Inhyeon-Joseon queen-ka - secrets of the palace-my soul-ka - Shin Se Kyung -smiley young - ka - SNSD -- All my love is for you - ka - Soyi unknown intelligent girl -- ka - Special for my -- sis Roxette -- ka - Special SeonDeok -- DeokMan-ka - Superbly_actress Lee Yo-Won-ka - Talent Of -- Wonniee Forever - ka - The Duo -impresionant for me- ka - The nurse --_-- Lee Yo-Won --- ka - This is my Royal Family on site - ka - This is _ Yo Woon -- Parfume - ka - This Lady was - Jang HeeBin -- ka - Wonnie _ my cute donsaeng --- ka - Yo Won in Jardin de Chouette - ka -Friendship sense of sunphoto -ka -Happy B-day younger maknae-ka -My dedicated princess Ah Hyo-ka -My new Lady _- Jang Ryu Won-ka -My only Bodyguard Cho-Young-ka -Oh Yeon Soo - special actress-ka -SNSD young Maknae-SeoHyun-ka -True soul of a mother-true love-ka-My girl was Fashions Night Out-ka-Special_for my unicate Daniella-kb - Cronicile frumoasei luptatoare-kb - Different Characters - here -x - kb - Different Characters O2-here - kb - Different Characters O3-here - kb - Eternally Grateful for me - tks - kb - exposing of actors - click heree-kb - exposing of actors-click here2 - kb - From You _ For Me - komao--- - kb - Gift from my oKoreanPrincess - kb - Jewel in the palace - series 02 - kb - Similarity - but two characters - kb-Click here for more information - kk - Special - photos with Il Woo -_- kx - Gift for hanhyosang --------------- kx - Gift for Ely93 ------------------------- kx - Gift for hanhyosang --------------- kx - Gift for HuiBin ----------------------- kx - Gift for oKoreanPrincess ------- kx - Gift for QueenSeondeok --------- kx - Gift for SoseonoIsabella --------- k

membru din 16 April 2012

a - My ideal voice Sandara Park -- k

`♥`. Sandara Park ... o vedeta demna de aprecierile noastre ! :X:X
`♥`. Vocea ei este incredibila , iar stilul aparte o evidentiaza tot mai mult ! :o3 :x
`♥`. 2ne1 are parte de nenumarate succese ! :x ... si asta se datoreaza si Darei` ! >:D<
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`- Ador poza ! =p~
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Ce fata de catelus avem ! :o3
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Artista + motanul ! =))
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x
-`♡`-Privire angelica ! :x

Comentarii album • 18
oKoreanMovie 2 February 2015  
Dara este un inger de fata ♥
Este imposibil sa nu o iubesti ♥
oQueenDeokMan 3 February 2015  
`♥`. Corect... atat de simpatica ! ;;) <3
anamariasuk 13 October 2014  
#Cea mai frumoasa si scumpaaa<3 fata<3
#Are o voce frumoasa<3
#Sper sa auzim numai de bine <3
oQueenDeokMan 18 October 2014  
..'♥'.. Cu siguranta ;;)
cll28 1 December 2013  
<3 ^^!!2ne1!!
KoreanMariax1 29 August 2012  
ce scumpica e
AhHyo 18 July 2012  
E ff frum^^dar pe cn o jucat in Iljimae?
oQueenDeokMan 18 July 2012  
~♡`Da , e frumoasa ! <3
~♡`Rolul unei fete ninja ! >:D<
QueenSeondeok 18 July 2012  
Si mie mi se pare o persoana foarte talentata :x , si joaca foarte bine <333. O ador :x . Imi plac foarte mult pozele :x . Dara este asa o scumpica ;o3 .
oQueenDeokMan 18 July 2012  
-`♡`- Ma incanta si incurajeaza faptul ca o placi asa de mult ! <3
-`♡`- Mersiii , Mira ! <33
SoseonoIsabella 18 July 2012  
►`Are un aspect imbietor si un farmec deosebit,nemaivorbind de minuanta voce :o`
►`Saranghae,beautiful Dara !
oQueenDeokMan 18 July 2012  
-`♡`- Ce comentariu tare ! <3
Evelyna 18 July 2012  
...si eu o iubesc:x..e preferata mea din 2ne1 :x
`....la fel si mie mi`a placut rolul din Return Of Iljimae :x
`...si pt poze..npc :x...
oQueenDeokMan 18 July 2012  
-`♡`- Multumesc de parere ! :x
-`♡`- Mereu esti sincera ! :">
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